Farmland Restoration in Ontario
Project Outline
Description: Assessing the potential for restoring marginal farmland at the subfield scale in Southern Ontario. We are identifying less productive areas within fields in the corn and soy producing region of Southern Ontario, and modeling how restoration of these areas would affect the economics of these farms. These less productive areas could be economically-viable targets for restoration because farming them may be unprofitable and in contrast, restoring them could support beneficial insects that improve production in the rest of the field. Our work includes not only modeling the ecosystem service outcomes of restoring marginally-productive lands within fields but also understanding farmer perspectives on the barriers and opportunities for restoration.
Project background: Starting in 2021, Dr Joséphine Gantois began consolidating data across farmlands in Southern Ontario. In 2022, she began interviews with Southern Ontario farmers.
Principle Collaborators: Prof Hannah Wittman (UBC), Dr Carolyn Callaghan (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
Project Partners: Canadian Wildlife Federation
Funding Partners: Canadian Wildlife Federation, MITACS
Research Themes

WoRCS Lab Members

Dr. Joséphine Gantois