Outreach & Education
At a local organic apple farm nestled in the beautiful mountains of the Lillooet Valley, Tyler Kelly talked to around 25 adults and kids about the diversity and importance of native bees. Participants were given insect nets and vials and asked to catch any pollinators they found. We then chilled the insects in a cooler for a short period of time and brought them out slowly to photograph and talk about their biologies.
Lillooet Bioblitz
Pollinator Walk
Quilchena School
Eco Fair
Eco Fair
Tyler Kelly and Joséphine Gantois talked to four classes of Quilchena school students –grades 4, 5,6, and 7! Students were given a short lesson on how to identify common pollinators then given trays of insects to explore. We asked the students to use microscopes to identify bees, flys and wasps! Photographs by https://www.tandem.photography/
Legacies of colonialism have left tropical nations with extractive economies, high levels of poverty, and income disparity, all of which complicate conservation efforts. Conservationists must not only acknowledge these realities, but also work with local communities to find and implement economically viable solutions, or risk perpetuating a new age “green colonialism.” In this talk Aaron recounts his experience working with birds, farmers, biologists, and the Sustainable Cattle Ranching Project in Colombia, one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Aaron’s present-day passion for biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development took root on service-learning trips to Central America as a teen. He found Latin culture fascinating and beautiful but was deeply troubled by the unfair hardships poverty, racism, and politically corrupt systems posed on ordinary people. He also fell in love with the natural world and saw firsthand the imminent threats to biodiversity and the communities this biodiversity supports. Aaron is currently doing a PhD in the zoology department at the University of British Columbia in the WoRCS lab, and ultimately hopes to work at the nexus of science, policy, and community activism. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.
Tedx UBC-- Aaron Skinner
Collaborative Conservation: Overcoming Colonial Legacies in the Tropics
Collaborative Conservation: Overcoming Colonial Legacies in the Tropics
Downloadable Content
Colombian Birds: Finca Andorra